Back ever, during the times when numerous hand to hand fighting were first creating, the military craftsmanship clothes that practitioners wore were basically the same as their typical regular clothing. Frequently, life was hard and very rough, either because of groups of hoodlums and warlords battling for control over their regions, or because of occupation by attacking unfamiliar armies. In spite of the fact that it was normal for them to be restricted, individuals kept on rehearsing them for self-security. In such cases they should have been inconspicuous, so as not to be identified and punished. The use of regular clothes made it harder for the possessing authorities to get them. Moreover, wearing such typical clothes permitted techniques to be fostered that were suitable for regular day to day existence. For instance, assuming the general fashion was for more tight trousers, it is impossible that high kicks would have been integrated into neighborhood hand to hand fighting.
The clothes themselves – also the neighborhood landscape – directed which techniques became pervasive. Also, since most individuals wore loose trousers, and consequently had the option to kick with opportunity, it was historically the territory that formed the various styles. For instance, kung Fu styles from northern robe chinoise femme China will generally include high kicks and flying kicks, whereas southern Chinese styles will quite often be more associated with low stances and strong hand strikes, with a sprinkling of low kicks. This is no occurrence as northern China is level and dry and the ground is hard and stable; in contrast the south is more boggy, and furthermore more densely populated, making high kicking a higher risk method. Today, individuals who train in battling arts are especially recognizable. Fashion continued on, however the military workmanship clothes that are worn have continued as before.
In most Japanese hand to hand fighting the wearing of a gig is a sign of respect both for the craftsmanship itself and to the ancestors – the forefathers and masters of those specific styles. Some styles, such as judo, created techniques that use the article of clothing itself for stifling the adversary. Of course, these techniques are still rehearsed today, yet would not necessarily be accessible to the professional in a genuine self-defense situation, since individuals do not stroll in and out of town wearing a gig these days. Most of Chinese kung fu styles nowadays use military workmanship clothes that closely resemble contemporary fashion. Not many kung fu clubs and schools insist on dark switch fastening jackets with white collars and cuffs, instead settling on dark kung fu bottoms or track pants and a simple white shirt. Frequently the main sign that these individuals are kung fu students is identification on the shirt meaning which style they practice, or some Chinese calligraphy for the name of their craft..