How to erase big files from hard drive?

It is critical not to make or compose any progressions to information on the hard drive without first checking the hard drive arrangement. Along these lines, the main goal when unfit to get to data on a hard drive is to check the entirety of the setup data managing presume hard drive. In Micro-Scope, Diagnostics, Fixed Disk Tests – check the data in the Fixed Disk Selected window. Ensure that the best possible drive type, model, and local boundaries are appearing in this window. In the event that any of the data is wrong, there is an electronic issue. Check the link, regulator and drive, re-seating all associations, and rehash the above system. Subsequent to rectifying the electronic issue, play out a read test on the initial 10 chambers of the drive.

 On the off chance that any mistakes happen, at that point this is the most probable reason for the drive disappointment. Play out a read of the whole drive to decide whether the blunders are electronic in nature, or physical in nature. Electronic issues will bring about the mistakes showed not continually being a similar kind or in a similar area on the drive. In the event that the issue is electronic, supplant the link, regulator, lastly drive gadgets and rehash the real test until no blunders happen. On the off chance that the mistake is physical, utilize an INT 13 sort supervisor, for example, Norton Advanced Editor, to hinder the whole drive and compose the data to a daisy affixed drive set to indistinguishable boundaries from the flawed drive.

The subsequent stage, after the drive breezes through the read assessment on the initial 10 chambers, is to check the first segment arrangement of the drive. In Micro-Scope, Utilities, Fixed Disk Editor – utilize the FIND highlight to look through the last two bytes of every chamber for a boot signature 55 AA. The main area where a boot mark ought to be found would be at chamber 0, head 0, part 1 the ace boot division. The second area where a boot mark ought to be found is at chamber 0, head 1, part 1 the volume boot segment. Why Am I Having Problems With A Hard Drive To Erase It? It is additionally conceivable to utilize the FIND highlight to find the volume boot area via scanning for MSDOS in DOS based frameworks or MSWIN in Windows95 frameworks.

In the event that there is a copy duplicate of the ace boot division found before the area of the volume boot segment, at that point it is conceivable that a boot infection has tainted the hard drive in the framework. The Rebuild Master Boot highlight of Micro-Scope will wipe out any boot part infection. Make certain to boot the framework to the Micro-Scope diskette and quickly do a virus reboot of the framework in the wake of utilizing the Rebuild Master Boot include.